The Dragonfly Sanctuary, LLC

Wellness Center



Friday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m.

Join Instructor Cheryl Gojko for this Gentle Yoga, pranayama (breath) , and mindfulness meditation class. This class is a wonderful way to learn what yoga is really all about. No prior yoga experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothes, eat light a few hours before class, and please, no fragrances, perfumes or colognes.

Call Karen at 219-742-5219 to reserve your space!

~ RAYMON GRACE ~ Advanced Dowsing, Healing & Self Empowerment Seminar

July 23 & 24 9:00am – 5:00pm


Advanced Dowsing, Healing & Self Empowerment Seminar

Learn How To:

Reach the Alpha Brain Frequency, including the numerous benefits. This adds power to your thoughts

Reducing stress

Mentally communicate with a person to eliminate arguments

Plant positive suggestions in your own mind.

Positively influence the behavior of a person at a distance and cause them to treat you better

Find a way to collect money from someone who owes you.

Lubricate stiff muscles and joints

Do healing work with the pendulum

Send healing energy to a person at a distance or remote healing Find and change the frequency of the human body

Overcome fear

Reach a realm of the Spirit World–A Native American healing technique–The Medicine Place

Meet your Spirit Guides

Change a negative situation into a positive one

Make medicine from water–Bring a bottle of water to be energized for a lifetime supply of energized water

Find and cut psychic cords

Find and eliminate various negative influences

Receive detailed information on effectively clearing people and property

Perform Exorcism safely

Change the energy in your family, home and community for improved health and compatibility

Employ techniques for attracting prosperity


Real life examples will be given on all the techniques taught each day
Time will be provided for question and answer sessions

Workshop Fee: $250 —- A deposit check made to Raymon Grace Foundation of $100 must be made 30 days in advance to hold your space in class.

Your deposit check will NOT be cashed unless you fail to attend and fail to notify the sponsor at least 2 weeks before the class.

It will be held until the day of the class, when you will bring the remainder of the payment, which may be in cash, check or U.S. Postal Money Order.

Contact & send deposit check to:

Karen Price 219-789-0528



Raymon Grace, founder and president of Raymon Grace Foundation, is a dowser, lecture and author of 3 books, “The Future is Yours—Do Something About It”, “Techniques That Work For Me” and “Seasons of April.” He has created 18 DVDs sharing information learned over the past 37 years. His books have all been printed in both English and Chinese. His work is being used in several countries for improving water and other areas of self improvement. His newsletter reaches people in 35 countries.

He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows including the well know “Coast to Coast Am Radio.”

He is a down to earth plain spoken person who tells it as he sees it. His dress clothes are jeans and cowboy boots and he doesn’t own a suit and tie. He’s real.


Here are a couple of recent letters from someone who had attended my class:


I just wanted to say that your class last week end in Charlottesville blew me away! I have been a Reiki practitioner for years, but your concepts of using intent to heal at a distance are a quantum leap above any hands on methods. I wanted you to know how much I learned. I must have taken 30 pages of notes. I am on the fourth reading of your book. I always get something new out of it. I have been using your check list to help my family and friends. Your clearing of the many things on the list from me has made me feel completely different. I feel more confident about life and that things will work out well. 🙂

Bless you,



 Hi Raymon,

During the seminar at Poplar Grove Dec 5-6, 2009, you taught me how to get to my Medicine Place. You told us to pick someone to work on in our Medicine Place. I chose my boyfriend Scott. Scott had smoked cigarettes for 7+ years and it didn’t look like he was going to stop any time soon. But, after putting him in the Medicine Place, Scott hasn’t had a cigarette since December 5th. My intent was to ease his mind.

I’ve had clean, good tasting water for about 4 months. I bought the Energizing Water II CD. Sometimes my water changes back to the way it was originally. But, all I have to do is play the CD, and after I have clean water again.

Thank you for teaching us,




“Ancient Wisdom for a New Generation”


According to an ancient Mayan legend, when mankind is at the brink of destroying himself and his planet, thirteen crystal skulls will come together with the purpose of giving humanity an ancient message that will prevent him from totally annihilating himself and his world. It is no coincidence then that another ancient crystal skull has recently surfaced. This skull is from Mexico and is considered to be at least 2,500 years old. The Zapotec Indians used him in ceremonies for creating unity within the tribe. Today, he is called “Pancho” and he is one of the most interesting of all the known ancient crystal skulls. He is also referred to as the “New Generation” crystal skull and “The People’s Skull” because of the community that he is creating around him. Pancho’s ancient message is about connection. It is about connection with the cosmos, with Mother Earth, with the human tribe, with our ancestors and with the quantum field. His message is a light that will guide us through these uncertain times.


MARCH 11, FRIDAY, 7:00 – 9:00 PM


In this introductory workshop, Mario tells the story of Pancho, where Pancho originated from, how he came to Mario, how he was authenticated as ancient and Mario’s journey from a successful Las Vegas business owner to his new role as the guardian of one of the oldest crystal skulls ever discovered. The lecture covers the history of the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica including the Olmec, the Zapotec and the Maya, and how they used crystal skulls in their cultures. Mario also talks about Lemuria, the Dolphins, the Maya prophecies of 2012 and the legend of the 13 crystal skulls.

Mario discusses why and how the ancients uploaded important information into the crystal skulls, information concerning mankind’s connection with the cosmos, with Mother Earth, with the ancestors, with the human tribe, and with the quantum field. Learn about how Pancho’s crystalline structure communicates with our crystalline structure.

A toning and a guided visualization follow the lecture.

Also, Mario reveals an important secret about Pancho, a secret that he only discloses in this workshop.

Duration: 2 1/2 Hours (including time for Q/A)

Suggested Donation: $25 per person


MARCH 12, SATURDAY, 1:00 – 4:00 PM


In these uncertain times what is mankind pretending not to know? What are our individual roles during these obvious Earth changes? Is a polar shift a real possibility? How do we get to raise our consciousness? What’s in store for the next generation? All these questions will be addressed in this workshop, “Messages from Pancho”.

Pancho will disclose facts about the legend of the 13 crystal skulls, about the Lemurian connection, about the association with the Dogon tribe of Africa, about the star system of Sirius, extraterrestrials and where and when contact will be made again.

We will also be discussing higher levels of consciousness and how to attain them.

Mario will also make known more information that he has directly received during his personal meditations with the skull.

The lecture is followed by a pot luck dinner and then a guided meditation.

Duration: 2 1/2 Hours (including time for Q/A)
Suggested Donation: $35

This workshop is suggested for people that have already attended the Workshop #1 Basic Introduction and usually held on the second day of the event.



There are three kinds of session types available to individuals. They are (1) private meditations, (2) readings and (3) private healing. Private meditations with Pancho are available for individuals that want to spend “alone time” with the skull. (Mario will leave the room during these private visitations.) During the private meditation each individual can ask Pancho to impart his ancient wisdom through a technique that will be explained by Mario. Readings by Mario allows for questions to be asked by the individual and the answers will be revealed through telepathic communication with the skull. Energetic healings involve a sweep throughout the individual’s body with the skull and an opportunity for the skull to be placed on different chakra centers to promote healthy energy flow. (This is not a hands on type of healing.) In all of these sessions individuals are encouraged to hold the skull and to bring their crystals and power tools to be charged by Pancho.

Duration: 1/2 Hour sessions and 1 Hour sessions
Suggested Donations: Private meditation and readings: 1/2 Hour – $40, Private meditation and reading: 1 Hour – $75, Healing: 1/2 Hour – $55, Healing: 1 Hour – $100
Individual sessions are usually held the last day of the program.




Suggested Donation for Workshop #1 and #2 Package – $55
Suggested Donation for Workshop #1, Workshop #2 and 1 Hour Private meditation or reading – $120




Pancho’s tradition and tale tell of an intimate connection with water and all the blessings of life water brings. Pancho H2O is 100% distilled water (pure H2O) attuned in ceremony with Pancho. The intention and prayer of the ceremony is one of alignment to and empowerment of Pancho’s facilitation of deepening awareness in the connection. In physical contact with water and the small Herkimer crystals, Pancho imprinted the water’s molecular structure with his crystal body’s essence, the small Herkimer crystal included attune to this frequency as well and continue to do so as the water has been used.

Pancho H2O is available for sale at all Pancho events.

Pancho activated crystals, jewelry and pictures are also available for sale at all events.

Yin Yoga Class this Friday

Don’t miss this


This Friday

    for a yin yoga class


Join us Friday, January 21st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at The Dragonfly Sanctuary for a yin yoga class for only $12.00!


Have you ever wondered what a yin yoga class was? Now is your chance to find out. Come and see why I personally love our yin yoga class. Staying in postures, focusing on your breath to help you relax your muscles, going deep inside so that you not only benefit from stretching the deeper connective tissues, but benefit from being in the moment with what is happening in your body as it begins to relax into each pose. Experience the benefits for yourself this Friday!


Space is limited, so call Karen at 219-742-5219